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Opinions on 399$ Voodoo 2 Card
Is it worth it?
If you would like to add your views to this page , please e-mail
Right now , I have added 2 of my own views (poorly written :) to
start this page up. Unfortunately I don't have CGI at tripod so
you will have to email me if you would like to add anything to
this page. My email is
Yes , It is worth it
400$ is an excellent price for the Voodoo 2. Right now , the Monster
3D costs about 150$ and delivers 30fps in Quake2. The Voodoo 2 delivers
over 100fps and costs a little more than 2x as much. Obviously , the 400$
is worth it. Secondly , the professionals and die hard CAD users pay a
few thousands of dollars on a video card , so 'gamers for life' should
have no troubles paying 400$ for the best gaming experience. Waiting is
pointless , right now if a person buys Voodoo2 for 400$ , they will have
the ultimate gaming tool for over a year! If they wait until the Voodoo
2 goes down in price to around 200-250$ , they will end up purchasing the
Voodoo 3 or whatever next generation card comes out in a few months. Therefore
, waiting means paying more in the long run.
No , it isn't worth it
Obviously , 400$ is way to much money to spend to play games a little
better. Television is 30fps , so why does anyone have to play Quake2 at
110? There are enough cards which can keep up a high framerate in Quake2
that don't cost 400$. A better idea would be to wait for the Voodoo2 to
have competition and hence lower it's prices. Though it is true that Voodoo2
means the ultimate in gaming , 400$ is an absurd amount to spend on games
alone. As for Voodoo 2 being the next standard , true , but for how long
, and when? Gaming companies aren't going to make games that only work
exremely well on 400$ video cards. They do not want to lose money. Waiting
until Voodoo2 prices go down is a much more sensible choice , as when this
happens , many more games will begin to make full use of the V2 , which
is when having a V2 really matters.